The VP of Kumar properties showed interest to impart vocational skills among young adolescents of construction laborers while starting the EACs at their sites in February 2021. Instead of providing training on building works (plumbing, electrician, mason) his interest was to teach children garden and agricultural concepts and skills as a part of education. He not only requested us just to guide or teach children on the above topic but provided us an area where children can practically dig in the soil, plant seeds, watering plants, and produce fresh vegetables for the labor camp.
From 20th march 2021, he implemented an agricultural project on the site. He arranged for the soil and introduced children to vegetables like tomatoes, brinjals, cabbage, beetroot. With the help of him and teachers, the students planted these vegetable plants, and observed their growth.
Some students planted tomatoes and chilies around their houses as well.
In a few weeks, there was vegetable produce on the site plantation. The vegetables were distributed to the students, which they gave to their parents, who cooked them for meals.
Children enjoyed the experience of using self-grown vegetables for food. They also acquired the basics of gardening and agriculture.
We are thankful and appreciate the initiative of Kumar developers who have shown interest in the welfare of their laborers' children towards their education.