Saturday, April 27, 2013

Door Step School’s PPCE team works with Schools, Builders and contractors in Pune to reach parents of children who are “out-of-school”

Door Step School, through the project “Parents Participation in Children’s education (PPCE)” orpaalak sahBaaga pa`klpaaims at reaching out to parents at construction sites and community dwellings to actively involve them in their children’s education.

To address the problem of

  1. children who drop out due to lack of parent support and motivation and
  2. children who remain out-of-school  or are never enrolled due to parents being neutral or opposing,

a two pronged approach was planned and executed since February 2013.

  • February -April 2013 – PPCE project staff worked with the 15 PMC schools (in the areas of Kondhwa and Mohammadwadi) to identify, trace and re-enroll children who were enrolled in school during the academic year 2012-13 in Class I and II , but were Irregular or Consistently Absent from School. The team worked on tracking down a list of 339 children who were reported irregular at school or were consistently absent and shared results with the Schools.  

  • March-April 2013 – PPCE project staff worked with builders, contractors and parents at over 150 construction sites and community dwellings (in the areas of Kondhwa and Mohammadwadi)  to locate and list children in the age group of 6-8   years, interview their parents, ascertain movement plans and prepare them for enrollment of their children into mainstream schools in the month of June.
The Project team observed that most parents fall into one of three broad categories:
  1. Neutral – Parents who require some motivation and considerable hand holding.
  2. Opposing – this group of parents would require intensive work with them as   individuals and as a community. The main task is to develop rapport and build trust.
  3. Motivated – this group of parents would require information (on nearest school, admission process etc.) and initial support.
Work on meeting all the parents at these sites and communities and their children to ensure 100% enrollment in June is in progress.

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