Saturday, September 10, 2016

Celebrating Teachers’ Month - 5th of September to 5th of October 2016

All schools in India celebrate "Teachers' Day" on 5th of September every year to commemorate the birth day of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India, and an exemplary teacher himself. This day, we honour our teachers and appreciate their contribution to the larger goal of nation building.

Door Step School teachers are a very special lot. They are our foot soldiers, through whom we interact with all our beneficiaries - the most marginalized children - on a daily basis. Implementing every single DSS project has been made possible thanks to their tireless and sincere efforts. Their job description requires them to have excellent social skills to interact with various stake holders, be efficient multi-taskers, confident to step into the unknown, a willingness to learn on the job, and a commitment to ensure that the children learn - an Olympian task in which each of them is a medal winner!

Today we take this opportunity to celebrate not just a "Teachers' Day" but an entire "Teachers' Month" from 5th of September to 5th of October 2016 (World Teachers’ Day) to honour and appreciate their contribution.

Most of our teachers are ladies; many of them could attend school only till Grade X or at the most complete high school. Somewhere along the way, they were impressed with their school teachers and dreamt of being one. Unfortunately they could not pursue their education as they belonged to orthodox homes where marriage takes precedence over education; and taking up a job is possible only after overcoming various personal obstacles. Now, working as facilitators, they have discovered the joy of teaching and learning as they fulfill their dream! Stepping out of their homes for the first time, they have gained self-confidence and a boost to their self esteem as they take small but firm steps towards financial independence.

With great pride, we start a series entitled, "An Introduction to DSS Teachers" as a part of "Door Step School Teachers' Month". More than 500 teachers make up our task force. The stories we share here are representative of many others who belong to our organization. They may have different names, but they will definitely identify with what is written here as their own!

We hope this will give all our well wishers an insight to our teachers' nature of work; and the positive attitude, patience, and perseverance that form their core. At the same time, we look forward to your comments and suggestions.

With best wishes to all teachers in their endeavor to spread the light of education...

Rajani Paranjpe
Founder - President,
Door Step School

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